Pretrial & Release Services
In collaboration with GEO Reentry Services, pretrial and release services help agencies to maintain compliance to conditions of release, connect individuals with helpful community resources, and keep them engaged with court proceedings. We provide many proven solutions for judges and agencies for a continuum of response.

Evidence-Based Programs
GEO Reentry offers outpatient and residential programs for moderate- to high-risk pretrial defendants. These evidence-based programs reduce jail crowding, lower operational costs, and slow building degradation. In addition, they offer judges proven alternatives to incarceration that reduce risk.

Case Management
Case managers work closely with pretrial defendants, holding them accountable for their behavior, overseeing treatment and training, and connecting them with valuable local resources that stabilize their lives. We can elevate sanctions to increase supervision levels for those that violate conditions of release.

Risks & Needs
Based on assessed criminogenic risk and needs factors, pretrial defendants move through several phases of a treatment process that can reduce criminal risk levels. Supervision, cognitive behavioral treatment, and life-changing classes reduce the risk levels for recidivating at each phase.

Treatment & Training
Our community-based programs provide agencies with cost-efficient and effective treatment that facilitates an individual’s behavior change. Groups include employment readiness, cognitive behavioral treatment, life skills training, and anger management.

Community Connections
Many defendants need connections to local services to maintain stability while their case is pending. GEO Reentry partners with various nonprofits that deliver supportive services—housing, medical, substance abuse counseling, sober living and legal services and more—that turn lives around.

Your Office or Ours
We can provide pretrial and release support services within your probation, parole or pretrial office to facilitate a collaborative approach and to simplify service delivery for defendants. We also can open and staff a stand-alone office in the community to support your agency.