Reducing Risk & Enhancing Accountability
With the recent available funding for enhanced pretrial services, supervision officers will manage larger caseloads released to the community. Judges and agencies must assess community risk, facilitate court appearances, and monitor defendants throughout the adjudication process. They seek a continuum of response, including least restrictive options. BI Incorporated supports agencies with electronic monitoring systems that are effective, flexible, and fair alternatives to jail. We offer multiple EM systems, intuitive software platforms for officers, even mobile apps that keep defendants engaged in the court process.

Mobile Monitoring App
BI offers an easy-to-use monitoring app that is downloaded on the client’s smartphone, enabling officers to stay connected with individuals on pretrial release. With tiered program options, the BI SmartLINK® mobile app provides compliance technologies, valuable resources for clients, and secure communication capabilities. The calendar, helpful court reminders, and the ability for clients to submit required paperwork can increase court hearing attendance and confirmation, making officer follow up easier.

Secure Mobile Device
Designed for community corrections, BI Mobile® alleviates challenges agencies and individuals on pretrial release may have related to access to a phone. Pre-installed with BI SmartLINK, this solution can be used in lieu of body-worn devices, while offering robust communications tools and location monitoring capabilities. Unlike other providers that are solely focused smartphone applications, BI has customer and technical support available 24/7.

GPS Tracking
GPS tracking enables individuals to work and live in the community while being monitored closely for curfews, movement, and more. BI offers the BI LOC8® XT ankle bracelet, BI VeriWatch® wrist-worn, and mobile device monitoring solutions to meet the needs of varying risk levels.

Alcohol Detection
Pretrial defendants are more likely to make their court dates if they remain sober. Monitoring for sobriety in discreet and convenient ways help individuals demonstrate compliance to conditions of release. BI SL3® is a sophisticated, handheld BrAC testing device that incorporates powerful technology to drive compliance and accountability while individuals await a court date.

Radio Frequency Monitoring
BI offers agencies reliable radio frequency electronic monitoring systems, ideal for monitoring curfews and other defined locations, such as work or school. These systems are a cost-effective, rugged, and proven alternative to detention.

Monitoring Support
Agencies can rest assured that when they use any of BI’s monitoring products and services that they are backed by the industry’s most experienced and knowledgeable call center and support team. Our EM team acts as a “staff multiplier” for agencies.